enhance performance

(be the best you can be)

Hypnotherapy has helped thousands of people get to the top of their game. How could it help you?

“100% successful. Thank you Duncan. You’ve changed my life”

Ryan | Past Client

Set your perfomance on fire
Secured by my double guarantee

Create long-lasting changes

Hypnotherapy is a fast & effective method for enhancing performance in all areas of life.

What could a significant boost in performance do for you?

Whether you are looking to improve your physical or professional performance, it’s vital to be able to manage your mindset and emotional states to maximise your potential.

You may have read about well-known sports stars such as Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan using hypnotherapy to enhance their performance.

Hypnotherapy is one of the secrets behind the success of many high-performing athletes, entrepreneurs and executives.

There are many ways hypnotherapy can enhance performance, giving you an edge over your competition.

It can banish performance anxiety & pre-event nerves, while creating the focus, mindset and the emotional states needed to be your best.

““It has rewired my brain in a way nothing has been able to do. 100% successful”

Ryan | Past Client Feedback Form

“Highly recommend.
Big thumbs up!”

Lukas | Past Client Google Review

“Duncan is excellent. I’m a health professional myself and Duncan really knows his stuff. I highly recommend him.”

Lucy | Past Client Google Review

it's time to experience what mastery excellence success feels like

Why hypnotherapy works so well to enhance perfomance

Neuroscientists estimate that 95% of our brain activity occurs outside our conscious awareness.

And so much of what impacts your performance is generated from the unconscious: your inner dialogue; your emotional states; your ability to focus; and the correct execution of complex skills.

It’s very difficult to enhance these factors using your conscious mind to talk or think your way to improvements. You’re using 5% of your brain in an attempt to control the rest.

Hypnosis allows you to access the unconscious, so that you can create the ideal internal states you need to perform at your very best.

frequently asked questions

My clients love the convenience of sessions over Zoom. Not only can they experience the benefits of hypnotherapy from the comfort of their own home, they save time & money on travel.

But is hypnotherapy as effective over Zoom? Wonderfully, yes! You’ll enjoy the same great results on Zoom as you would in-person, often even better.

Hypnotherapy is 100% safe, and enjoyable. Your mind is alert and aware, you’ll hear everything I say, and you’ll remember as much as you would from any normal conversation. You’re in control the whole time. Want to learn more? Book a time to have a chat with me.
We’ll kick things off with a 20 minute chat. We’ll take the time to understand what’s holding you back and then tailor the sessions to your specific objectives. It’s also your chance to get your questions answered. At the beginning of each hypnotherapy session, we’ll discuss the specific goals for our time together, focusing on exactly what you want to achieve or how you want to feel. The specific techniques used will depend on your unique situation and goals. I use proven hypnotherapy methods and tailor them completely to facilitate the changes you desire.

Yes, almost everyone has the potential to be hypnotized. I’ve yet to work with anyone who can’t go into hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention and deep relaxation that most people experience in daily life, like daydreaming or getting lost in a good book.

While some people enter a deeper state of hypnosis more readily, even a slight degree of hypnosis is enough to create the positive changes you’re looking for.

With hypnotherapy you can expect results in weeks, not years.

How many sessions you’ll need depends on you and what you want to change. We can discuss this when you book a time for a quick, 20 minute chat.

You can expect to feel results from the very first session, and to have achieved the goal we’ve set by the end of the program.

In Hypnosis the brain is hyper focused and very relaxed at the same time.

This creates a state where you are able to make the changes you want quickly and easily.

Hypnosis is an interesting experience which feels really great.

At different points in a session you might feel a lovely floaty sensation and at other times have this wonderful, deeply relaxed feeling.

why work with me?

As a hypnotherapist & performance coach, I’m passionate about using evidence-based techniques to take my client’s performance to new levels.

I first trained as a hypnotherapist 14 years ago in the UK, where I co-founded a training school in London for psychologists, therapists & coaches.

If you’re ready to boost your performance, whether professional or physical, I’m confident I can help you.

That’s why I offer a unique, double guarantee for your peace of mind.

94% of my clients reach their primary goal in 4 sessions or less.

Book a time to chat. We’ll make a plan to achieve your life-changing results.

unlock your potential     experience success     peak performance.    unlock your potential     experience success     peak performance.    unlock your potential     experience success     peak performance.    

“I feel my sessions were worth every penny for me mentally and emotionally.”
Past Client feedback | Client prefers anonymity
Hypnotherapy can help you to fine-tune focus and concentration, allowing you to maintain that essential state of calm attention during crucial moments.

Hypnosis can be used to reduce any anxiety and stress around performance and specific visualisation techniques can be used to perfect skills, technique and execution.

All of this translates to increased precision and performance in the real world.
Hypnotherapy can enable you to manage your inner dialogue and emotional states so you can push through mental and physical barriers and perform at your best.

You can mentally rehearse competitions, overcoming any hurdles and seeing and feeling everything in flow. This translates to increased performance in the real world and moving towards your true potential.

The entrepreneurial journey has many challenges which hypnotherapy can help you to successfully navigate:

Overcome limiting beliefs which may be holding you back; develop greater levels of confidence in yourself and your mission; and effectively manage your mental and emotional states to be at your very best.

Hypnotherapy can enhance your career by boosting self-confidence, focus and communication.

It can improve your ability to manage inner dialogue and emotional states so you can be the best version of yourself.

Hypnotherapy can help you to melt away anxiety while boosting your confidence and presence.

You can actually enjoy the process of connecting with the audience, while at the same time delivering your message in a way which is effective and achieves your goals. 

Hypnotherapy can be used to manage pre-show nerves while creating the inner confidence and presence needed to perform at your best.
Hypnotherapy can help you to unlock your creative journey by removing the roadblocks to your creative flow.

Overcome procrastination and anxiety about the work you produce and how it will be received. Unlock more of your creative potential to produce even better work.

feel confident in your results with my double guarantee

feel confident in your results with my double guarantee

First session guarantee

Once you’ve experienced your first, full-length session, should you decide hypnotherapy isn’t the right fit for you, no problem. A quick email will secure you a full refund, no questions asked. 

If you haven’t reached your goal by the end of the program, I’ll provide up to two additional sessions, free of charge, to ensure you reach your goal.

get started today...

Book your free, twenty minute introductory chat to find out how hypnotherapy can help you to achieve your goal within just a few sessions…

We’ll discuss the challenges you’re facing and how you’d rather think, feel & behave. 

You’ll benefit from understanding how  hypnotherapy can be used to achieve your specific goals.

There is no pressure to book any additional sessions.

Choose a time that’s convenient for you. I look forward to meeting you soon.

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