hypnotherapy to break bad habits

are you ready for
something different?

Hypnotherapy to break bad habits

are you ready to for something different?

Is it time to let go of those old habits & behaviours that just don't fit any more?

Hypnotherapy is an incredibly effective way to break bad habits & to replace them with behaviours and feelings that support your goals.

Behind every bad habit is a positive intention. If you’ve not heard that before, this may sound strange.

Even if that behaviour is having negative effects on your health or emotional life,  the habit formed, and persists, to meet a very real emotional need.

Fortunately, this doesn’t mean you’re stuck with the unwanted behaviour. 

Through this understanding, and the use of hypnosis, we can work with these underlying emotional triggers & transform them in the direction you choose.

Where do bad habits come from?

When our subconscious mind learns that a certain behaviour fulfils a certain need, we tend to repeat them until they become a habit. 
Some habits serve us well. But others can have harmful effects. Using hypnotherapy we can transform your bad habits & unwanted behaviours.

Here are some of the ways bad habits can form:

  • As a way to manage anxiety or stress or a method of relaxation.  If you think about excessive alcohol consumption, smoking & drug abuse, these are methods that people use to feel better (even if there are negative consequences).

  • As a need to reassert control over the person’s environment. This can be a factor in hair pulling, skin picking, nail biting etc.

Even conditions like Bruxism (teeth grinding) is an unconscious habit which has formed from the body’s desire to manage stress and anxiety.

The key thing is that a habit is firmly rooted in the subconscious mind.

You might tell yourself to stop doing the habit consciously – using willpower – but this is very rarely successful.

You need to work at a subconscious level to change the patterns and create new ones which support your goal

“Its been incredible to see how my life has changed since then! Mostly I just feel happier and more content with life. I would highly recommend Duncan to anyone. “

5-Star Google review from hypnotherapy client, Sally

Why Willpower isn't Enough

The Surprising Truth About Making Positive Changes

Are you experiencing any of these negative effects of bad habits?

  • Low self-esteem
  • Poor health
  • Impacts on your relationships with others
  • Financial implications
  • Social isolation
  • Poor sleep
  • Anxiety or stress
  • Low energy levels
  • Professional consequences

If your habit is causing these, or similar negative impacts, then we need to talk.

Hypnotherapy to break bad habits can help you overcome

How Hypnotherapy can break bad habits

Hypnotherapy allows us to work with your subconscious mind to break the patterns which hold your bad habit in place.
We’ll first work out what triggers the habit and also what need the habit serves. 
Remember, even a habit with negative consequences – say smoking – will serve some positive benefit (e.g relaxation, control, connection).
The hypnosis process we will engage in together will help you to reprogram your mind to break the habit, so you can meet those needs in other ways.
 Hypnosis will help you to take back control of how you feel, and how you want to be in your life.
You will realise you have far more control than you ever thought possible.

Book your free, hypnotherapy to break bad habits, 20 minute consultation with me

hypnotherapy for fears and phobias - Duncan Turner Clinical Hypnotherapist

How you will benefit from hypnosis sessions with me...

The 20 minute consultation will set the direction we’ll take to put that habit behind you and get you moving in the direction that you choose.

When we have our first session, we’ll get to work immediately to identify what has been holding you in the pattern of that bad habit, release it, and clear it. 

Here’s a few of the ways you’ll benefit from working with me:

  • The hypnosis process will unlock your abilities to take back control of how you think, feel and behave. 

  • You will learn powerful hypnotic strategies to turn old weaknesses into new strengths.

  • Harness the power of your own mind to feel the way you want to in those situations which were an issue in the past.

  • You will receive audios where appropriate to enhance the changes you’ll set in motion from us working together

  • You will learn self-hypnosis techniques which you can use long in to the future (even on other issues!)

“I have settled into a much more comfortable “me” and that has been a blessing, a big deal to me and it’s lasting. That was what I hoped for and got. I can’t recommend Duncan enough!!”

5-Star Google review from hypnotherapy client, Alan